Eminem's 'Love The Way You Lie' Warns Of The Cycle Of Abuse
"The most important thing the video is doing is raising the topic of dating violence among young people," Stephanie Nilva, executive director of sexual assault and trauma resource center Day One, told MTV News.
Does "Love the Way You Lie" glamorize violence?
What’s the story in the music video?
In Eminem's controversial new video "Love the Way You Lie," love and violence intertwine seamlessly.
The video stars actors Dominic Monaghan and Megan Fox as a couple involved in a relationship that starts out passionately and lovingly but quickly devolves into a violent affair.
One moment, a couple sleeps in each other's arms, the next, they're violently fighting, tossing bed sheets. Later, they kiss passionately, pressed up against the same wall the man has just punctured with his fist
During the four-minute span of "Love the Way You Lie," Rihanna alternately sneers in the frame and seems to physically diminish before finally crumbling to the ground in front of the burning house that serves as her backdrop throughout. The images may be melodramatic but symbolically, they are accurate, according to Nilva. "Someone who is victimized in a relationship does become smaller, does lose their power and their strength."
愛的方式你說謊,愛與暴力交織的情境....美國的MV拍攝內容真的很猛很直接又勁暴~ 阿姆的這首 Rap音樂MV真的很悚動...看了很毛....當初聽這首歌是被旋律吸引住, 後來仔細聽一下看一下歌詞, 再把MV找出來看, 真的有點快要昏倒....外國人的感情表達方式真是直接啊!
婚姻" 暴力" 和情侶之間口角後動手, 時有耳聞, 但肢體暴力這麼真實的在MV中看到....是很震憾的! 我喜歡音樂, 流行音樂很好聽! 雖然RAP的歌詞內含粗話髒話, 但我認為隱藏在歌詞內的情緒是很直接和真實不矯情的~雖然對他們暴力行為和說粗話的方式是搖頭不贊同, 但 我欣賞阿姆的直率~
這首歌我拿來做大學英文和聽力的教材, 希望和學生們一起討論" 感情暴力" 和兩性相處的問題~ 我覺得很有意義! 大孩子對很多事情有自己的見地和想法, 一眛的告訴孩子RAP的歌詞不好不值得學, 倒不如拿當紅好聽的歌曲大家一起分享討論.....看看到底歌詞那個部分是不為普羅價值接受, 理由為何, 這才是學習的目的啊~